Earthquake Catalogs

Global Earthquake Catalog

ISC catalog

ISC (International Seismological Centre) catalog is usually considered to be the final catalog of global earthquake data. In ISC catalog, earthquake information are automatically determined, and then manually checked by ISC analysts and relocated if possible (when there are sufficient data). The manually reviewed ISC catalog is typically 24 months behind real-time, and is currently (2020-11-28) up to 2018-08-01.

ISC-EHB catalog

The ISC-EHB catalog is a dataset of teleseismically well constrained events. ISC-EHB is a groomed version of the ISC catalog. Earthquake information in this catalog is more accurate. It is suitable for seismicity studies and tomographic inversion, but not for seismic hazard studies as the catalog is incomplete.

ISC-GEM catalog

The ISC-GEM catalog is a dataset for large earthquakes (magnitude 5.5 and above, plus continental events down to magnitude 5.0). It aims to adapt and substantially extend and improve currently existing bulletin data for large earthquakes.

IRIS-DMC fdsnws-event

The IRIS-DMC fdsnws-event web service returns earthquake information from catalogs originating from the USGS and the ISC data centers. By default, events are retrieved from the USGS PDE catalog for recent events and then the ISC catalog when it becomes available. As it is a collection of first-run bulletins from the NEIC and ISC, the results returned should be considered NON AUTHORITATIVE and NOT CURRENT for the purposes of seismic study.

CENC Catalog

The CENC (China Earthquake Networks Center) catalog is a unified and formal earthquake catalog, produced by CENC.


The ANSS (Advanced National Seismic System) Comprehensive Earthquake Catalog (ComCat) is a database of earthquakes collected by USGS. Many data centers contribute to this catalog. In most cases, USGS locates and reports on earthquakes worldwide of magnitude 5.0 and larger in 30 minutes or less. Additionally, USGS locates and reports on earthquakes magnitude 4.0 and larger within the contiguous US and populated regions of Alaska within 30 minutes. The catalog should not be considered to be complete lists of all events in the US and adjacent areas and especially should not be considered to be complete lists of all events M4.5+ in the world. Historic regional seismic network catalogs have not yet been fully loaded into the ANSS ComCat and can be found in Northern California Earthquake Data Center.

USGS PDE catalog

PDE catalog stands for Preliminary Determination of Epicenters, produced by the National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) of the US Geological Servey (USGS). The determination of earthquake properties is automatic and almost real-time. Thus, USGS PDE catalog may be the earliest one to give information of an earthquake occurred a few minutes ago. A brief Chinese introduction can be found here. PDE catalog also contributes to the ANSS ComCat.

EMSC catalog

The EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre) catalog is a database of earthquakes collected by EMSC.

Global Historical Earthquake Catalog

The global historical earthquake catalog is a database of historical earthquakes. It was developed by an international consortium, comprising Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the British Geological Survey (BGS), in collaboration with experts from around the globe. A detailed introduction can be found here.

Regional Earthquake Catalog

China Historical Earthquake Catalog

The China historical earthquake catalog is a database of historical earthquakes with magnitudes larger than 4.0 in China.

JMA Unified Hypocenter Catalog (Preliminary)

JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) produces a single hypocenter catalog. The preliminary JMA unified hypocenter catalog can be used as a reference for using the waveform data available on Hinet website. The information in this catalog are preliminary results, and JMA sometimes revises them. A chinese brief introduction can be found here.

JMA Unified Hypocenter Catalog

JMA provides the final version of JMA unified hypocenter catalog. When using the JMA unified hypocenter catalogs for research, study, or job, we are strongly encouraged to use the final version instead of the preliminary version.

SCSN Catalog

SCSN (Southern California Seismic Network) has compiled all available historic seismic data holdings in southern California to create a single earthquake catalog.

SC Alternate Catalogs

The SCSN catalog does not account for local variations in the seismic velocity structure, which limits the accuracy of its event locations. By applying various techniques in post-processing of the data, it is possible to improve location accuracy.

NCSN Catalog

NCSN (Northern California Seismic Network) produces earthquake catalogs in northern California.

European-Mediterranean Catalog

The European-Mediterranean catalog is a seismological product of the EMSC. It is based on the comprehensive collection of bulletins and arrivals provided by networks operating in the region. The EMSC 2014 General Assembly, held during the European Seismological Commission 2014 in Istanbul, decided to stop the production of the catalog. ISC is now in charge it.

SHARE European Earthquake Catalogue

SHEEC (1900-2006) represents a temporal and spatial excerpt of the European-Mediterranean catalog. It is compiled by GFZ Potsdam.

European Historical Earthquake Catalog

Australia Catalog

Slow Earthquake Catalog

Focal Mechanism Catalog