Seismic Phases¶
IASPEI (International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior) standard phase list:
Phase naming in TauP:
Notes about multiple P-phases in TauP:
Please note the IASPEI phase naming is a little different from those in TauP. So, you’d better know what you really mean when you use phase names in TauP.
Below show some IASPEI phase definitions (alt: acceptable alternative name)
Crustal Phases¶

Ray geometries and names for crustal P phases.¶
Pg: At short distances, either an upgoing P wave from a source in the upper crust or a P wave bottoming in the upper crust. At larger distances also arrivals caused by multiple P-wave reverberations inside the whole crust with a group velocity around 5.8 km/s.
Pb: (alt: P*) Either an upgoing P wave from a source in the lower crust or a P wave bottoming in the lower crust
Pn: Any P wave bottoming in the uppermost mantle or an upgoing P wave from a source in the uppermost mantle
PmP: P reflection from the outer side of the Moho
Sg: At short distances, either an upgoing S wave from a source in the upper crust or an S wave bottoming in the upper crust. At larger distances also arrivals caused by superposition of multiple S-wave reverberations and SV to P and/or P to SV conversions inside the whole crust.
Sb: (alt: S*) Either an upgoing S wave from a source in the lower crust or an S wave bottoming in the lower crust
Sn: Any S wave bottoming in the uppermost mantle or an upgoing S wave from a source in the uppermost mantle
SmS: S reflection from the outer side of the Moho

crustal phases (From¶
Near Source Surface Reflections (Depth Phases)¶
pP: Reflection of an upgoing P wave at the free surface
sP: Reflection of an upgoing S wave at the free surface