

Yao Jiayuan

last updating date


Prof. Tong Ping built the group in 2016. It was called Earth Imaging Development Group, and has been renamed to be Mathematical Imaging and Geophysics Group since Nov. 2019. Either MIG or MIGG is short for our group.

Group Homepage

MIG Documentation

Group Meeting

MIG usually organizes a group meeting every week. One member will give us a representation about one topic, and sometimes we will report our research progress. This is a compulsory meeting. You can receive email notice ahead of schedule.


We now use GitHub to record group meeting and Google Drive to store ppts instead of https://blogs.ntu.edu.sg/geophysics/.

MIG Intranet


We now use other toos to share information and resources. See Data at MIG for details.

  • Historical IPs

    • 2020/03/02 ~ 2020/05/23:

    • 2020/02/20 ~ 2020/03/01:

    • 2019/11/04 ~ 2020/02/19:

    • 2018 ~ 2019/11/03:

  • Location: Installed in Jiayuan Yao’s workstation at SPMS-MAS-04-07

  • Access: Only shared to MIG members. We can only get access to the intranet via NTU internet. We have to use VPN if we are outside ot NTU.

  • Manager: Jiayuan Yao

Google Group

  • Email: ntuimaging@googlegroups.com.

  • Website: Online forum

  • Usage: Every MIG member can send an email to this email, and all members can receive his/her email. This email is like WeChat Group.

  • Group Name: MathImaging&Geophysics at NTU (old: EarthImagingAtNTU)

  • Manager: Group email managers, Ping Tong (Owner)

  • Note: Only current members are in this group. Previous members will be deleted from the email group after they leave NTU.

Group Email

  • Email: ntuimaging@gmail.com

  • Usage:

    • It is the manager email of MIG email group, like the manager of WeChat Group.

    • Some manager cannot log in this gmail. Now, we use Tianjue Li’s phone to help them log in. Before Tianjue leaves, we have to change to other’s phone.

    • Send email as MathImaging&Geophysics at NTU

  • Register Name: MathImaging Geophysics (previous name: EarthImaging NTU)

  • Birthday: Jul. 12 2000

  • Passwd: Saved by Tianjue Li (Core Manager), Shijie Hao & Jiayuan Yao

  • Note: This email is used to send a notice to all MIG members. Please don’t use this email to send an email to some MIG members. We should use our own email in this case.

Routine Managers

  • Tianjue Li (Core) & Jiayuan Yao

  • Help Prof. Tong and other members study and work better

Weekly Lunch

MIG usually have lunch together on Monday. This is an informal dining and not compulsory.