Portable Drive


Yao Jiayuan

last updating date


We use portable drives to store some research data and resources.


  • size: 8 T

  • format: ext4

  • brand: WD My Book

  • manager: Jiayuan Yao


  • DATA: seismic database

    • EOS: seismic data at EOS networks

    • IRIS-Myanmar: seismic data at Myanmar networks in IRIS

    • DMH-Myanmar: some seismic data in Myanmar from DMH

  • MIG: data used by some MIG members

    • Cheng-YauWing-G1802084J-06112019: IMPORTANT DATASET!!! Yau Wing Cheng’s files.

    • Shaolin: Shaolin Liu’s workstation backup. Need to check with him when he come back to NTU next time.

    • WDD: temporal files of Dongdong Wang.

    • ureca: A girl undergraduate student’s files. Need to check what it is and whether we can delete them with BOSS.


  • Jiayuan Yao, Shucheng Wu, Tianjue Li, Shijie Hao & Yongsheng Liu each have a portable drive with a size of 4 T.

  • Ping Tong has two portable drives.