

Xu Mijian

last updating date


Get access


  • Passphrase for Supercomputer Fugaku: this is a .pdf file involving passphrase code, which used to access the certificate file. This file can be downloaded with a link in an e-mail with subject of “Your passphrase for the supercomputer Fugaku”.


    This link requires a verification with password of hpci-id#verification code. The hpci-id and verification code can be found in an e-mail with subject of “News of registered HPCI-ID”.

  • Certificate file: this file with filename of uxxxxx.p12 can be downloaded via an e-mail with subject of “Notification of client certificate for the Supercomputer Fugaku”.

Install client certificate

MacOS and Windows

A manual how to install the client certificate and how to start an access to the Fugaku can be obtained from the below open accessed link: https://www.hpci-office.jp/fugaku/user-info/e_index.html



Using compilers

The Fugaku provide Modules to manage packages. Available packages can be listed via

module avail

Packages can be loaded via

module load xxx

Arm compiler


Intel complier

Intel compiler and mkl library can be loaded via

module load mpi/2021.2.0 compiler/2021.2.0 mkl/2021.2.0
source /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh

Jobs management